Sunday, April 27, 2008

Socks for Soldiers

This is my first pair of Jolly Green Socks to send to Iraq.  I have joined the Socks for Soldiers yahoo knitting group and have been making socks for soldiers fighting overseas.  This is my first pair and it took me quite some time to finish them.  Partly because they are so big, knit with size 0 and 1 needles and fine yarn.  But they turned out pretty well in my estimation.  I have yet to get the blessings from the groups "Sarge" Kim Opperman.  

I have had one member offer to make me legs on her CSM sock machine so I am excited about that because that will save me some time and allow me to up my production.  In the absence of those, I am casting on yet again to start the next pair.  I don't have much time to do anything fibery lately though because finals are next week and I am frantically coding my senior project.  I seem to have a few group members who can't spend the time needed so I am ending up with the bulk of the work.  (sigh)   But it will be over in a few weeks and so I am trying not to stress over it.   It will be done and I will graduate, and then on to more fun things!

I will be spinning in a few weeks, for sure.  I have all that new mohair to play with and have a desire to do some funky new novelty type yarns just to see if I can do it.  Some coiled stuff and more spinning singles from the lock, and the like.  I have been yearning to have some spare time, so if I can just hang on 2 more weeks, I will be more free to play.

Monday, April 7, 2008

In Memory of Rocky

Our little buddy Rocky died today.  He was a sheltie rescued by my brother 5 years ago or so and had obviously lived on the road a while before Kevin found him.  We didn't know how old he was but he had a brave spirit and was always sweet no matter what happened.  

He had lived with my parents and his step-brother Rowdy for a few years and had been struggling with his health the last 4 months or so.  He suddenly lost ability to be able to breathe properly and we lost him this morning despite the vet's best efforts.  My mom and dad are heart-broken and it has not been a good day.  We will miss Rocky and hope that he's up in doggie heaven playing with his beloved soccer ball.