My good friend Kathy from Unique Designs By Kathy in Tucson got herself an amazing Pat Green carder. It is huge. It holds about 10 oz of wool at a time. So last weekend, I took all the wool I had dyed and trucked it down to Tucson. Then Kathy and I put together colors and she carded up a bunch of it for me on her fancy new carder. We did about 60 oz of wool. It works fabulously and
everything comes off the carder so soft and pretty. It does a fabulous job. I am including a picture of my 60 oz of
roving just waiting to be spun.
Everything turned out fabulous and the wool spins so easily now. It is so much cleaner and carded so well that it spins smoothly and creates beautiful yarn. I started with the black one in the middle. I think it's pretty dark but my expert Kathy tells me it will be fine coiled. So coil it I will and post it up for your approval. I am excited to be able to spin some of my own wool again. Doing an ounce or two at a time is so tedious. This carder is a dream come true.
I am also getting read to post my patterns online with Ravelry. I have a designer shop now and will be putting things up as I get them ready. I have 3 or 4 to start with and hope to have time to do more designing. It is time consuming but very rewarding. My name on Ravelry is FiberAddict2 and that's also my Etsy shop. Not that I have anything up there now, but maybe one of these days I'll get stuff posted. I should have a lot of time to spare after next Friday as I'll be convalescing for a few weeks. So I will be on my wheel if I feel up to it.